How to get started with RemotePC for Linux?

    To get started,

    1. Download the required RemotePC for Linux package depending on the distribution of the Linux OS on your computer.
    2. Open the installer by double-clicking or right-clicking on the package.
    3. Select the package manager, e.g. Open with Ubuntu Software Center, to install it on your computer.
    4. You can also run the following commands to install the packages:
      • For Debian:
        $ sudo apt update
        $ sudo apt upgrade
        $ sudo apt install ./remotepc.deb # For RemotePC App
        $ sudo apt install ./remotepc-host.deb # For RemotePC Host App
        $ sudo apt install ./remotepcviewer.deb # For RemotePC Viewer App
      • For RPM:
        $ sudo yum update
        $ sudo yum upgrade
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepc.rpm # For RemotePC App
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepc-host.rpm # RemotePC Host App
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepcviewer.rpm # RemotePC Viewer App
      • For SUSE:
        $ sudo zypper update
        $ sudo zypper upgrade
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepc-suse.rpm # For RemotePC App
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepc-host-suse.rpm # RemotePC Host App
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepcviewer -suse.rpm # RemotePC Viewer App

      Note: Use 'dnf' if 'yum' is not available.

    5. On successful installation, launch the desktop app on your computer by either of the below:
      • Type 'remotepc' from the command line.
      • Click the RemotePC icon (Activities -> RemotePC)

    You can now log in and configure your Linux machine for Always-ON Remote Access.

    Remote Configure using SSH for Host-only builds

    1. Transfer the file to the remote host machine using below command or any FTP tools like Putty, FileZilla:
      $ sftp username@server_ip
      Enter the password.
      $ put /path/to/file/remotepc-host.deb
      $ exit
    2. Install the transferred build in the target machine via below command: $ ssh username@server_ip
      Enter password
      • For Debian:
        $ sudo apt-get install ./remotepc-host.deb -y
      • For RPM:
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepc-host.rpm -y
      • For SUSE:
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepc-host-suse.rpm -y

      Then run remotepc-host deploy <deployment UD>, or remotepc-host login command to configure host.

    Download and install Host-Only build

    For Enterprise accounts in the headless server machine

    1. Log in to your Enterprise account and click on Deploy Package.
    2. Navigate to the Host-Only builds column under Linux option.
    3. Select the desired OS package and click Copy Command button to copy the command, which will be used in step 5.
    4. Run the below command in the local machine to connect to the headless server via SSH:
      $ ssh username@server_ip
      Enter the password.
    5. Download the build using the copied command:
      $ paste-your-copied-command-here
    6. Install the downloaded build via below command:
      • For Debian:
        $ sudo apt-get install ./remotepc-host.deb
      • For RPM:
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepc-host.rpm
      • For SUSE:
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepc-host-suse.rpm

    For SOHO, Team, Consumer accounts in the headless server machine

    1. Download the target CLI build by selecting the OS Type in your local machine.
    2. Transfer the file to the headless server machine using below command or any FTP tools like Putty, FileZilla:
      $ sftp username@server_ip Enter the password.
      $ put /path/to/file/remotepc-host.deb
      $ exit
    3. Install the transferred build in the target server machine via below command:
      $ ssh username@server_ip
      Enter password
      • For Debian:
        $ sudo apt-get install ./remotepc-host.deb -y
      • For RPM
        $ sudo yum install ./remotepc-host.rpm -y
      • For SUSE:
        $ sudo zypper install ./remotepc-host-suse.rpm -y

    Configure CLI build in headless machine for remote access

    Run below command to setup CLI access on the host:
    $ sudo remotepc-host setup

    After that, proceed as per following account types.

    Deployment for Enterprise accounts

    $ remotepc-host deploy <deployment_code>

    Note: Deployment code is a unique code for each account available only for Enterprise users.

    Setup for SOHO, Team, and Consumer accounts

    1. Run the below command once the installation is completed:
      $ remotepc-host login Enter the email ID, password and personal key one after another.
    2. Once the necessary information is added, the host automatically configures and appears online.
    3. Note: To run more operations, click here.

    Refer FAQs for more details.